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Rotary Damper

Linear Damper

Gas Spring

Difference Between One-way and Two-way Damper

One way rotary damper & two way rotary damper
Peir’s dampers include one-way damper (clockwise rotation or counterclockwise rotation) and two-way damper.
One-way damper also has name of a uni-directional damper. It has a particular component, “one-way clutch” or “vane” in the rotary damper. When the damper is working, there is a damping in one direction and almost free movement in the opposite direction, or the damping force is relatively small. One-way damper can be vane damper, gear damper, or disc damper. As shown in the figure below, the vane damper has two vanes attached onto the rotor. In different ways, one-way gear damper and one-way disc damper have a one-way clutch.
Vane damper structure
one-way gear damper structure
one-way disk damper

What is two-way damper?

Two-way damper means that the damper has damping in both directions. And the damping forces of clockwise and counterclockwise are almost equal. Two-way damper can be gear damper, barrel damper, or disc damper.
barrel damper
rotary damper


One-way dampers are used in the heavy lid, or no damping force is required when returning. Such as toilet cover (PR-T098), washing machine lid (PR-T095), refrigerator home bar (PR-T093), curtain (PR-T058), etc.
Two-way dampers are used in automotive interiors and small home appliances, such as car armrest (PR-T022), cosmetic mirror (PR-T025), rice cooker (PR-T026), and kettle (PR-T009), etc.


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