gas spring mechanism

Gas spring mechanism

Gas spring mechanism

Firstly, according to gas spring mechanism(also called gas strut mechanism) s motion way, they can be divided into two types:
1. Compression gas spring

It cannot stop during the whole stroke, can only stop at the shortest and longest position. When it is in the free state, it is at its longest position;

Lockable gas spring

2. Self-locking gas spring

It is controlled by a switch. Self-locking gas spring can be stopped at any position in the stroke. When turn on the switch, its performance is the same as compression gas spring. When the switch is turned off, the self-locking gas spring can be stopped in any position. Its self-locking force can reach 8-10 times.

gas spring series

Further more, according to self-locking gas spring mechanism s  characteristics, they can be divided into two types:

1. Elastic self-locking

The self-locking force is about 3-5 times.  After turn off the switch, the gas spring can have a simple cushion.
2. Rigid self-locking

The self-locking force reaches 8-10 times. After turn off he switch, the gas spring can stop immediately without buffering.

According to gas spring application requirement, the self-locking gas spring can be divided into six types:

  1. Extension direction rigid self-lockinggas spring;
  2. Compression direction elastic self-lockinggas spring;
  3. Extension direction elastic self-lockinggas spring;
  4. Compression direction rigid self-locking;
  5. Two-way elastic self-locking;
  6. Two-way rigid self-locking.

Application example: lifting desk with self-locking gas spring

15mm compression gas struts


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